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    PEN Special Package (Advanced Booking)


    Balance ₹ 1949 ( Pay at Clinic)

    Package Includes

    Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Heart, Cholesterol & Fat, Liver, Allergy, Diabetes, Thyroid, Kidney, Weakness, Infections, Immunity, Bone & Joint Pain, Blood, Anemia & Testosterone

    For Any query contact: 080 – 40943825

    Note: ₹ 50 Booking Amount non refundable

    96 in stock

    SKU: PENSPLGEN01 Category:

    Nutrition Vitamin Package (2) Vitamin B -12 (Anemia, Nerve test) 1400 25 – OH Vitamin D (Bone, Immunity) 1400, Heart-Bio Markers (5) Risk of Heart Attacks APO B / APO A1 RATIO (APO B/A1) 800 APOLIPOPROTEIN – A1 (APO-A1) 800 APOLIPOPROTEIN – B (APO-B) 800 Risk of Heart Disease High Sensitivity C-Reactive Proteine (HS-CRP) 800 Lipoprotein (A) [LP(A)] 800, Hormone imbalance test Testosterone 800, Heart, fat, blockage test Lipid Profile (8) Total Cholesterol 200 HDL Cholesterol – Direct (Good Cholesterol) 200 LDL Cholesterol – Direct 200 LDL/HDL Ratio Non HDL Cholesterol 100 TC/HDL Cholesterol Ratio Triglycerides (Bad fat) 200 VLDL Cholesterol 100 Screen for liver, kidney, blood, bone Serum ALB/Globulin Ratio Alkaline Phosphatase 200 Jaundice Package Bilirubin – Direct 200 Bilirubin – Indirect 200 Bilirubin – Total 200 Alcohol effect on Liver test Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) 200 Immunity, Weakness test Protein – Total 200 Albumin – Serum 200 Serum Globulin 200 Enzyme test: Effect of medicine or liver disease Asparate Aminotransfarase (SGOT) 200 Alanine Transaminase (SGPT) 200,  Diabetes (2) Average Blood Glucose (ABG) 100 HbA1c 400, Thyroid (3) T3 150 T4 150 TSH 200, Renal/Kidney metabolic panel test (5) Bun/ Sr Creatinine Ratio Blood Urea Nitrogen 200 Calcium 250 Creatinine –Serum 200 Uric Acid 250, Weakness, anemia, joint pain, Iron Deficiency (3) % Transferrin Saturation 150 Iron 200 Total Iron Binding Capacity 250, Complete Hemogram (24) 650 Immunity, blood, anemia, allergy, platelate,infection,weakness tests Basophil – Absolute Count Eosinophil – Absolute Count Lymphocytes – Absolute Count Monocytes – Absolute Count Neutrophils – Absolute Count Basophil Eosinophil Hemoglobin Immature Granulocytes (Ig) Immature Granulocyte Percentage (Ig %) Total Leucocytes Count Lymphocyte Percentage MCH MCHC MCV Monocytes Neutrophils Nucleated Red Blood Cells Nucleated Red Blood Cells % Hematocrit (PCV) Platelate Count Total RBC Red Cell distribution Width (RDW-CV) Red Cell distribution Width – SD (RDW SD)

    Special Precautions For TEST

    Do not eat or drink except water at least 10 – 12 hours prior to the check-up.

    Do not chew gum, eat breath mints or consume other food substitutes during the fast time.

    Water, however may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.

    Please do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to appointment as alcohol may affect some tests.
    Please inform the doctor or nurse before the test. If you are taking medicine for Hypertension/Hyperthyroidism etc.

    You can continue taking as per doctors prescription after blood is collected post overnight Fasting.

    Please carry regular medication along.


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