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    Health & Wellness

    Health and Wellness program is made for normal people of any age, sex. Evaluation/analysis of this group is very important to maintain fit and energetic. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals are very common which have a huge impact on normal health. Having said that today’s lifestyle and lack of food knowledge about good healthy food, junk food, and environment contributes to health. The Evaluation/analysis is limited to find out current deficiency of nutrient, risk involved and subclinical conditions. 


    Clinical program at PEN is made for the people who are suffering from disease. PEN mainly focuses on lifelong/modern diseases. Evaluation/analysis of this group important to know metabolic Deficiency, disease cycle, subclinical conditions, nutritional deficiency which affects health and disease. Clinical treatment plan focus to improve quality of life, minimizing medication, modification of lifestyle, food guidance etc 


    Fitness is a specialized group of people who seek good physical fitness resulting from exercise and nutrition. PEN evaluation/assessment is developed for healthy individuals or those who have medical clearance to exercise. Once the testing is complete, on the basis of client’s needs and ability specific programs can be made. This customized program of individuals can enhance muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, and/or any of the motor skill related components of physical fitness.