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    Thyro Plus

    Original price was: ₹1,951.00.Current price is: ₹1,551.00.

    Health & Wellness
    Thyroid Wellness

    Thyroid health affects many aspects of our lives: daily energy, metabolism, hair and skin, and overall vital sense of well-being. This small but mighty gland controls our metabolism – the process of converting food into energy. Thyroid is so important that we are unable to live without it. Thyroid makes hormones called T3 and T4 that regulate breathing, heart rate, muscle strength, body temperature, and so much more.

    To help maintain a healthy thyroid, PEN brings blends of vitamins, minerals, herbs that support normal thyroid hormone levels and function of gland optimal. PEN Thyro Plus should be a part of your regular supplement for 12 to 16 weeks enabling thyroid gland to perform best.

    Quick Facts

    Thyroid Support Formula:
    * Boost Thyroid Performance
    * Optimize Thyroid Function
    * Powerful Antioxidant
    * Herbal Extracts for Thyroid Wellbeing
    * Probiotic for Gut Function & Immunity
    * Essential Mineral Complex for Thyroid Function


    Thyroid health affects many aspects of our lives: daily energy, metabolism, hair and skin, and overall vital sense of well-being. This small but mighty gland controls our metabolism – the process of converting food into energy. Thyroid is so important that we are unable to live without it. Thyroid makes hormones called T3 and T4 that regulate breathing, heart rate, muscle strength, body temperature, and so much more.

    To help maintain a healthy thyroid, PEN brings blends of vitamins, minerals, herbs that support normal thyroid hormone levels and function of gland optimal. PEN Thyro Plus should be a part of your regular supplement for 12 to 16 weeks enabling thyroid gland to perform best.

    Active ingredients

    Thyroid Support Blend:

    Potassium Iodide

    Vitamin B-12







    Thyroid Boosting Supplements:

    Vitamin B1


    Vitamin B3


    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B9

    Folic Acid


    Vitamin D3

    Optimal Thyroid Function:

    Eicosapentaenoic acid


    Wheat Germ Oil

    Powerful Antioxidant for Thyroid:

    Citrus Bioflavonoid


    Grape Seed extract

    Ginseng extract

    Herbal extracts for Thyroid wellbeing

    Green tea extracts

    Ginkgo Biloba extract

    Probiotic for Gut function & Immunity

    Lactic Acid Bacillus

    Pro Vitamin for Thyroid


    Vitamin K

    Essential Mineral Complex for Thyroid Function



    Dibasic Calcium

    Sodium Selenite

    Potassium Chloride

    Sodium Borate

    Colloidal Silicon

    Nickel Sulphate

    Stannous Chloride

    Sodium Metavanadate


    Essential Aminoacids



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