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    Cardiac (Heart) Profile – C (65 Tests)

    Original price was: ₹6,000.00.Current price is: ₹3,800.00.

    Heart disease remains the number 1 killer:

    17.9 million People die each year from CVDs (heart related), an estimated 31% of all deaths worldwide-WHO report. Heart disease has remained the leading cause of death at the global level for the last 20 years. However, it is now killing more people than ever before. Heart disease now represents 16% of total deaths from all causes.

    Novel tests to detect heart attack 3-4 years early through simple biomarker blood check up.
    SKU: heartC Category:

    This is a group of tests and health factors that have been proven to indicate your chance of having a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke. They have been refined to indicate the degree of risk: borderline, intermediate, or high risk.


    Determination of LP(a) may be useful to guide management of individuals with a family history of CHD or with existing disease. the levels of LP(a) in the blood depends on genetic factors; the range of variation in a population is relatively large and hence for diagnostic purpose, results should always be assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other findings.


    Homocysteine is linked to increased risk of premature coronary artery disease, stroke and thromboembolism. Moreover, alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, venous thrombosis, schizophrenia, cognitive deficiency and pregnancy complications also elevates homocysteine levels.

    • Lp-PLA2 accumulates within human atherosclerotic plaques and vulnerable lesions
    • Elevated Lp-PLA2 levels can predict the development of coronary artery disease in apparently healthy individuals5,6 and the risk of future adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events .
    • Individuals with normal systolic blood pressure, but high Lp-PLA2 levels, are 2x as likely to have a stroke7 , while those with elevated systolic blood pressure and Lp-PLA2 levels are 7x more likely to experience a stroke .
    • Post-menopausal women not using hormone therapy who have an elevated Lp-PLA2 have a 64% increased risk of ischemic stroke



    HS-CRP measurements may be used as an independent risk marker for the identification of individuals at risk for future cardiovascular disease. elevated CRP values may be indicative of prognosis of individuals with acute coronary syndromes, and may be useful in the management of such individuals.


    To determine whether or not you have an adequate level of apo A-I, especially if you have a low level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C), and to help determine your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD

    To help evaluate your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD); sometimes to help monitor treatment for high cholesterol or to help diagnose a rare inherited apolipoprotein B (apo B) deficiency


    Total Cholesterol—measures all the cholesterol in all the lipoprotein particles

    High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C)—measures the cholesterol in HDL particles; often called “good cholesterol” because HDL-C takes up excess cholesterol and carries it to the liver for removal.

    Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C)—calculates or measures the cholesterol in LDL particles; often called “bad cholesterol” because it deposits excess cholesterol in walls of blood vessels, which can contribute to atherosclerosis. Usually, the amount of LDL-C is calculated using the results of total cholesterol, HDL-C, and triglycerides.

    Triglycerides—measure all the triglycerides in all the lipoprotein particles; most is in the very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).

    Very Low-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C)—calculated from triglycerides/5; this formula is based on the typical composition of VLDL particles.

    Non-HDL-C—calculated from total cholesterol minus HDL-C

    Cholesterol/HDL ratio—calculated ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C

    Low-density lipoprotein particle number or concentration (LDL-P). This test measures the number of LDL particles, rather than measuring the amount of LDL-cholesterol. It is thought that this value may more accurately reflect heart disease risk in certain people.


    Diabetic, liver, kidney, iron deficiency, hemogram which shows blood cells counts, vitamins,

    Special instruction:

    • Do not eat or drink except water at least 10 – 12 hours prior to the check-up. Do not chew gum, eat breath mints or consume other food substitutes during the fast time. Water, however may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.
    • Please do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to appointment as alcohol may affect some tests. Please inform the doctor or nurse before the test.
    • If you are taking medicine for Hypertension/Hyperthyroidism etc. you can continue taking as per doctors prescription after blood is collected post overnight Fasting. Please carry regular medication along.
    • If you are diabetic, avoid taking your insulin injections / anti diabetic tablets on the morning of health check up.
    • Wear loose clothing, No jewellery (Necklaces / Chains) and easily removable footwear

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