Arthritis Profile Basic Consists of fundamental tests for screening of the health status Like Arthritis, Lipid, Liver, Kidney, Complete Hemogram, Diabetic screen, Iron, Thyroid, Kidney profiles.
Antinuclear antibody test (ANA)
ANA tests are a general indicator of autoimmune disease. A positive ANA test means that your body is producing antibodies that are attacking normal cells instead of foreign organisms. A high level of this antibody could mean that your body’s immune system is attacking itself.
Rheumatoid factor test
Many people with RA have high levels of an antibody called rheumatoid factor (RF). RF is a protein that your body’s immune system produces. It can attack the healthy tissue in your body. RF tests can’t be used to diagnose RA alone. Some people with RA test negative for RF, while other people without RA may test positive for RF.
C-reactive Protein
C-reactive protein is another measure of clinical inflammation. The normal measurement is less than 1.0 in many labs. This test, however, can be influenced by factors such as obesity and infection and is not specific to RA.