Giving Your Health a New Lift



The sooner the better

It’s always better to prevent an illness or risk factor rather than treat it after it develops. There are many important risk factors that are within the body. Steps like preventive tests can help prevent or slow down an illness. Making small changes in your daily life can help you stay active and independent as you get older.

SKU: penhealth1.1 Category:
Test includes:

A Health check-up is not just a panel of clinical tests but an opportunity for us to learn about our body along with gaining inspiration to improve the quality of life. It is very important to have a health check up’s even we feel we are healthy.  This package includes diabetes, cardiac risk factors which predict cardiac disease in advance ahead of 3 to 4 years and  thyroid, kidney, liver and cholesterol screening test.

Special instruction:

• Do not eat or drink except water at least 10 – 12 hours prior to the check-up. Do not chew gum, eat breath mints or consume other food substitutes during the fast time. Water, however may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.
• Please do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to appointment as alcohol may affect some tests. Please inform the doctor or nurse before the test.
• If you are taking medicine for Hypertension/Hyperthyroidism etc. you can continue taking as per doctors prescription after blood is collected post overnight Fasting. Please carry regular medication along.
• If you are diabetic, avoid taking your insulin injections / anti diabetic tablets on the morning of health check up.
• Wear loose clothing, No jewellery (Necklaces / Chains) and easily removable footwear

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