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    Hormone Activator 2


    Hormone Balance

    Today we listen to hormonal problems or hormone imbalance from every 3 out of 4 people. Hormones are chemicals produced by a particular endocrine gland for a stimulus in the body for a particular task at a particular point of time, directly in blood to act on the target cell. Hormones act as chemical messenger, regulator, cellular signalling, and managing metabolism. When there is ineffective or less secretion leads to hormone imbalance.
    PEN brings nutrients which support managing hormonal function to optimal levels.


    Quick Facts

    * Helps in Hormone balance
    * Helps in fertility in both sex
    * DHA improve sperm count and motility


    However, hormonal imbalances have become increasingly common with today’s fast-paced modern lifestyle. In addition, certain hormones decline with age, and some people experience a more dramatic decrease than others.

    Fortunately, PEN’s Hormone Activator 2, nutritious diet and other healthy lifestyle behaviours may help improve your hormonal health and allow you to feel and perform your best.

    Active ingredients

    Hormone Modulator:

    Folic acid

    Docosahexaenoic acid

    B12 Vitamin

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