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    Fitness is a specialized group of people who seek good physical fitness resulting from exercise and nutrition. PEN evaluation/assessment is developed for healthy individuals or those who have medical clearance to exercise. Once the testing is complete, on the basis of client’s needs and ability specific programs can be made. This customized program of individuals can enhance muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, and/or any of the motor skill related components of physical fitness. 


    This specialized group of people who seek good physical fitness resulting from physical exertion with Challenging activity and nutrition. PEN evaluations or assessments – include various tests and measurements that help determine overall health and physical fitness. This testing is often done as part of designing an appropriate PEN program for an individual. Once the testing is complete, a specific customized program can be created based on your current assessment, any existing health conditions or physical limitations which can be further improved to reach desired goals.

    Sport and Fitness testing can include some or all of the following items:

    1. Health history – to determine if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, issues with dizziness or balance, bone or joint problems, etc.
    2. Vital sign measurements – including resting heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight
    3. Body composition – body mass index (BMI), skinfold measurements, body fat analysis
    4. Endurance testing – to measure how efficiently your heart and lungs perform during physical activity. Tests can include timed walking or running sessions or other aerobic activities.
    5. Muscular strength testing – to measure the amount of force certain muscles can exert at one time and how long they can work before becoming fatigued. These tests may include push-ups and various strength and stability tests.
    6. Flexibility testing – to measure a person’s overall flexibility and range of motion    
    7. Mental Fitness is an umbrella term used to encompass a huge range of factors such as emotional wellbeing, ability to cope with difficult situations, mental agility and adeptness at solving problems. There are many things that we can do to improve our mental fitness but there is no quick fix.